Manage Performance Nerves: Overcome Anxiety Before Live Shows

Manage Performance Nerves: Overcome Anxiety Before Live Shows

Hey there, musical performer extraordinaire! As a music artist, live shows are opportunities to show your talent and connect to your audience. But, performance nerves and stage fright can dampen the experience. For the first time;

  • the thrill of stepping onto a stage, 
  • facing a live audience, and 
  • sharing your talent 

is an exhilarating experience for any performer. However, performance anxiety is a typical problem for artists. This feeling of unease is often referred to as stage fright.

The racing heart and sweaty palms are common in performers. Fear not; I’m here to help you manage performance anxiety and step onto the stage with confidence. In this blog, we’ll explore some effective strategies to manage performance nerves. Let’s fine-tune your pre-show routine and transform those nerves into electrifying energy! 

How to tackle your nerves

A performer needs to be best in shape and best in their mental health. These things ultimately lead to the best performance. Below are some best tips for your live show preparation.

Warm Up Physically and Mentally

Warming up both your body and mind is essential for peak performance on the stage.

Warm Up Physically and Mentally Before a Live Performance

Warming up is essential before any physical activity or mental task. It’s like priming your body and mind for optimal performance. Physical warm-ups help prevent injuries and enhance flexibility. While mental warm-ups sharpen focus and boost confidence. Physical warming up involves stretches that increase blood flow to your muscles. It increases joint mobility and lowers the chance of getting hurt when participating in activities. It involves mentally preparing yourself for the work at hand. It could involve taking up a new task, presenting, or resolving complicated issues. Mental warm-up can involve setting clear goals, visualizing success, and focusing your thoughts. 

Whether you’re; 

  • about to hit the gym or 
  • face a challenging project, 

Taking a few minutes to warm up can make a world of difference in your performance and well-being. Warm up your body and voice before hitting the stage. Engage in relaxation techniques, deep breathing, and positive affirmations to prepare your mind. 

Visualize Success

Visualizing success is a powerful technique for music artists to manifest their dreams and aspirations

Visualizing Success as a Music Artist

Visualizing success is not only daydreaming. It’s a strategic mental exercise that can have an impact on your achievements. When you visualize success, you’re programming your mind for triumph. You see yourself navigating challenges, making smart decisions, and reaching your goals. This process isn’t limited to seeing. It involves engaging all your senses and feeling the emotions. It includes hearing the sounds and even tasting the victory. Athletes, entrepreneurs, and artists often use this technique to stay focused and motivated. 

As you immerse yourself in these mental scenarios, you’re boosting your self-confidence. It also helps in creating a roadmap for your subconscious mind to follow. Your thoughts are in line with your goals, which gives you the resolve to persevere in the face of severe obstacles. Never undervalue the impact of visualization. Your dreams may become a clearly defined road to achievement through visualization. Visualize yourself delivering an outstanding performance. See yourself connecting with the audience and feeling confident on stage. Moreover, visualization has the incredible ability to reduce anxiety and stress. 

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for music artists to remain present and focused during performances.

Practicing Mindfulness as a Music Artist

Cultivating mindfulness is like a mental workout. It is training your brain to be more present and aware. It doesn’t need any special equipment or lengthy sessions. You can practice mindfulness anywhere, anytime. Take a few minutes each day to; 

  • breathe, 
  • observe your thoughts without attachment, and 
  • take part in the current project. 

You’ll discover that it improves your creativity and stress management over time. Your mental and emotional health will benefit greatly from this tiny investment. Embrace the present moment with a clear and focused mind. Mindfulness involves paying deliberate attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can:

  • reduce stress, 
  • enhance your mental clarity, and 
  • cultivate a closer relationship with your surroundings.

It’s a straightforward yet significant technique that may help you feel peaceful and in balance with your life.  Practice to stay present in the moment. Try to avoid dwelling on past performances or worrying about the future. Embrace the excitement of the present. 

Focus on the Music

Immersion in the music is the heart of a music artist's creative journey.

Focusing on the Music as a Music Artist

The ability to focus on the music is a transformative practice. It enables you to transcend distractions and worries. You enter a state of flow where your connection to the music is unbroken. It does not matter if you’re a musician performing on stage or a listener seeking solace. When you look into the details of a performance, you develop a deeper connection with that art. This kind of deep engagement can send you to another world and provide inspiration. 

Focusing on music brings a burst of creative energy. It’s a reminder that music has the great capacity to heal, connect, and elevate the human spirit. Immersing yourself in it, you can unlock its full potential in your life. Redirect your thoughts to the music and the joy of performing. Let your passion for music drown out any anxious thoughts. 

Embrace the Energy

Embracing the energy of live performances is what fuels the passion and excitement of music artists.

Embrace the Energy as a Music Artist

Every place and situation carries its unique energy. Learning to embrace it can be a transformative experience. Embrace the adrenaline rush that comes with performing live. Channel that energy into your performance and let it elevate your show. Whether you find yourself in 

  • a lively concert crowd, 
  • a bustling city, or 
  • the serenity of nature, 

take a moment to absorb the vibrant energy surrounding you. Let it invigorate your senses and inspire a deeper connection to the world. By embracing that energy, you infuse enthusiasm, wonder, and liveliness in you. In nature, the soothing energy can offer moments of reflection and inner peace. You increase your sensitivity to your environment by allowing yourself to be receptive to these powers. You begin to comprehend how everything is related on a deeper level. 


Remember, Life is full of adventures. Performance nerves are a common experience for artists of all levels. Embrace the nerves as a sign of your passion for music. With preparation and a positive mindset, you’ll shine on stage and leave your audience in awe. 

Stay confident and give an unforgettable performance.

How to Address Your Music Career Problems?

A quick fix for time management, a mindset shift, and a technique to balance your work and personal life in an efficient way!!!

Rewind can revolutionize music artists so they can manage their time as aspiring and indie music artists. It is a mindset that empowers you to take control of your time and schedule to fulfill your desires as a music artist.

I am here to help you embrace the skills of being the best version of yourself. Investing and following the path I joined can be the best start, so we can navigate the maze of music gracefully and effectively!

Stay consistent, focus, and get ready to conquer your desires!

Jass Bianchi

Your Music Coach

Level-Up Academy!


  • Jass Bianchi

    Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

  • Sehar Jabeen Ejaz

    Sehar Jabeen Ejaz is an exciting Author! She has been writing for years, creating content and stirring up her own unique style of expression. Sehar loves taking concepts to the next level with finesse – turning language into something breathtaking through playful manipulation. With a passion like that, it’s no surprise she finds true joy in storytelling; what a way to make a mark on this world!