As a music enthusiast, finding new bands and getting into their world is thrilling and fun. It does not matter who you are interviewing. It can be a rising indie band or a stalwart rock legend. But, asking original and provocative questions can yield interesting insights. In this blog, we will see a few unique questions to ask bands during meetings or discussions. So, hold tight till the end to make your interviews more fun and interesting.

What Would Your Music Be Like if It Had a Flavor?
This is one goofy question because what music has flavor? Well, if you are into music, you know that music has flavor. Every singer has a specific melodic expertise and every song is as flavorful as the musician is. The answer to this question can be both funny and interesting. The band might respond with “My music is zestily curry-flavored”. Or they might answer with some traditional food, “The music I produce is like boiled beans with a toast with a cup of espresso”. This question will make them think for a while before answering. Interestingly, their music can relate to what they say. And of course, this will make the readers and listeners stick till the end of the interview.
Where Have You Found the Most Bizarre Sources of Inspiration?
So, inspiration can come from anything. And when I say anything, I mean it literally. A pop music band named Red Velvet from South Korea wrote a song about toxic relationships. They took inspiration from the weak and stupid relationships where none of the two in a couple, leaves the other one because they find it fun. The weirdest thing is that it is true; some people stay in relationships even though those relationships are draining their energy and potential. The interviewee can respond that they wrote a song when they were inspired by a kid playing in the park or a horse running through the hills. Possibilities are that they can say they were inspired by something getting thrown away like a toy or used clothing. Numerous answers will provoke numerous responses from the ones who will be listening, watching or reading the interview.
If Your Band Had a Superpower, What Would It Be and Why?
Out of all the unique questions to ask bands, the answer to this question can be very captivating rather than funny. The band might want to have a superpower where they could harmonize perfectly without rehearsing for days. They can also wish to have a huge amount of actual fans who would like to stay loyal to them and support them. Another superpower they could look for would be choosing any place on earth and teleporting themselves there to perform their music. Or they could ask for a power related to reading their fans’ minds about their music and improve based on what their fans think. Technically speaking, this sort of question in interviews makes the band feel comfortable rather than awkward while answering.
What’s the Most Unusual Fan Interaction You’ve Had?
Bands usually get this question a lot. Based on who you are interviewing, the stories can be different and funny. Each band holds some memories of their interactions with their fans. It can either be really good to remember or hilarious. Or it can be bad or goofy or whatever, we never know. Interacting with the band members individually will create more space for them to be comfortable in the interview environment. The interviewee can also share their most memorable interaction with a band an idol or a celebrity to make it a two-way conversation. The more the interviewees are involved in the interview, the better it gets. The interviewees should feel good at the platform to open up and speak naturally and not fabricate their responses.
If Each of You Were a Mythical Creature, What Would You Be?
Alright, this will make them bring out their true selves. Everyone has their personal favorites when it comes to mythical creatures. We all grew up watching cartoons and fairies and monsters and whatnot. I have seen cartoons where the character falls from a mountain cliff and still runs to catch their prey. It is just about fun and our stories that are attached to the mythical creatures. When I was young my mother used to put me to sleep saying there’s a monster under my bed and I wouldn’t sleep, they’ll take me to their house and eat me up. To this date, I find it funny that I thought it was real. The band members are human, normal humans just like us. They have also lived a life just like us. They can have different stories and fun elements that will amuse the people who are interested in their music.

It is safe to say that including these five unique questions to ask bands in your interview will add a fun and deep element to the conversation you have with your interviewees. It will be interesting and will make them comfortable while recording. Adding little games can also bring out laughter from the audience and what else do we wish for? Let’s make people happy!