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How to Make an Artist One Sheet Best Practices

How to Make an Artist One Sheet: Best Practices

Getting a job is not an easy task. You prepare for a lot of things and your CV is one of the most important things when you present yourself. You have to add the most attractive information about yourself, your education, and your achievements in it. Later on, that piece of paper shows how influential can you be for the respective company. Well, the same goes for the music industry. The concept is the same, but it is called by a different name. In the competitive music industry, standing out is essential. To do that, you must prepare the artist one sheet. But what exactly is the artist one sheet in the music industry? In this blog, we are going to talk about—a concise, impactful document that can open doors, secure gigs, and elevate your music career. Let’s dive into what an artist one sheet is, why it matters, and how to create one that attracts industry professionals.

What Is an Artist One Sheet?

What Is an Artist One Sheet
What Is an Artist One Sheet?

An Artist One Sheet is a single-page overview and representation of your band or solo project. Think of it as your musical business card—a snapshot that encapsulates your essence, achievements, and potential. It’s used by media, radio stations, booking agents, distributors, and other industry players to gauge your marketability.

Components of an Effective Artist One Sheet

Components of an Effective Artist One Sheet
Components of an Effective Artist One Sheet
  • Short Bio

Build a compelling narrative that sets you apart. Avoid generic statements like “unique sound.” Instead, share stories that only you can tell. Use descriptive terms to convey your musical style.

  • Publicity Photo

Invest in a professionally shot publicity photo. This image creates a crucial first impression. Look at artists you admire for inspiration on visual storytelling.

  • Selling Points

Highlight what makes you noteworthy. Showcase festival appearances, collaborations with established artists, strong social media stats, and press quotes. Prove your credibility.

  • Upcoming Release

If you have an album, EP, or single on the horizon, include details: title, release date, UPC, and cover art. If not, feature a recent release from the past year.

  • Tour Dates

Provide a list of past and upcoming tour dates, if applicable. This demonstrates your active presence in the music scene and helps booking agents assess your availability and draw.

  • Contact Details

Provide contact information for collaborations or booking questions. Ensure this includes a professional email address and phone number managed by your representative or manager.

  • Links to Social Media

These help the viewers to reach the artist’s social media pages for additional interaction. 

  • Highlights

Noteworthy successes, including honors, chart positions, or noteworthy performances. Highlighting awards and major milestones can significantly boost your appeal.

  • Summary

Give a brief rundown of the identity and career of the artist. Summarize key points that quickly convey your brand and musical journey.

Designing Your Artist One Sheet

Designing Your Artist One Sheet
Designing Your Artist One Sheet
  • Design 

When it comes to the design of the artist one sheet, aesthetics matter a lot. Consider hiring a graphic designer or using templates on platforms like Canva. Canva has the options of paid and free memberships, use whatever suits you better. Ensure that the aesthetic you choose aligns with your brand. A clean, visually appealing layout helps in making a strong first impression.

  • Clarity

Keep it concise and easy to digest. Less is more, focus on impactful content. All the points discussed in it must be “to the point” and they must support the ideas and thoughts of you as an artist. Avoid clutter and make sure your key points stand out.

  • Contact Information

Include your website, social media handles, and booking email. Do not upload your contacts but the ones your manager handles. This professional approach ensures you are easily reachable for business inquiries.

Additional Tips for a Successful Artist One Sheet

Additional Tips for a Successful Artist One Sheet
Additional Tips for a Successful Artist One Sheet
  • Consistency: Ensure that your branding is consistent across all materials, including your website, social media profiles, and artist one sheet. This reinforces your professional image.
  • Professionalism: Proofread the document multiple times to avoid any spelling or grammatical errors. A polished, error-free one-sheet reflects your attention to detail.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your artist one sheet updated with your latest achievements, releases, and tour dates. An outdated one-sheet can give the impression that you are not actively engaged in your music career.


Your Artist One Sheet isn’t just about information; it’s about perception. Make it count. This one-page document can be your ticket to success in the music industry. Design it wisely, and let your music speak volumes.



  • Jass Bianchi

    Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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Jass Bianchi

Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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