Copyright signifies the ownership of intellectual property by a person or group. Music copyright also grants certain exclusive rights to the owner(s), one of the most important being the right to earn money from that IP. This is called “exploiting” your copyright.
Copyright is a legal right that grants creators exclusive rights to their work. It includes the right to reproduce, distribute, display, and make derivative works of the material. Copyright protection applies on work such as books, music, films, photographs and software code.
A copyright owner can collect royalties for the use of their work. They can also sue for damages if their work is used without permission.
Copyright laws vary from country to country. And all countries have some form of copyright protection in place. It’s important to understand the basics of copyright law. So that you can respect other people’s work and protect your own original creations. Protecting your work with a copyright is an important step in protecting your intellectual property.
What kinds of Copyright are there?

Musical works include songs, musical compositions, jingles and sound recordings. Visual arts works include paintings, drawings, sculptures and photographs. Motion pictures and audiovisual works include films, television shows, video games and multimedia presentations.
Copyright law also protects many other types of intellectual property including trademarks, trade secrets and patents. Many countries have their own laws protecting the intellectual property of their citizens. Copyright is an important right that gives creators control over how their works are used and disseminated.
With tech advancement and social media digitalization, copyright law has become even more important. As it helps to protect artists from unauthorized use of their work. Copyright law can provide both economic and moral protection to creators. It allows them to make a living from their creative works and also ensuring that they are properly credited for their efforts.
This is why it’s important for creators to understand the various types of copyright that may apply to their work. When you have written a song, you automatically create something called copyright. This is a legal protection that nobody else may use, publish, sell or record your song without your permission. In order to protect your copyright further, you should register it with the U.S. Copyright Office. You may wish to hire an attorney or agent to help you with this process, but it is pretty simple. Most people can do it themselves. There is a small filing fee.
There are two types of copyrights that are needed. They are the Sound Recording Copyright: SR Form, and the Performance Right Copyright: PA Form. In our course entitled PROTECT, you will learn how to complete this process.
How does Copyright Protect Your Music?

If a party infringes on your copyright, you can file lawsuits immediately in federal court or small claims court (no attorney required) when copyrighting your material. Which gives you the ability to receive up to $150,000 PLUS attorney fees per willful infringement.
Copyright is an important thing to consider when making online content. It’s essential to remember that, even if work is technically yours and you created it, it still needs to be protected by copyright.
As a creator, we all need to be informed of our rights and responsibilities. when it comes to the material we have created and the respect for others artistic work.
We have designed a course for our artists named as PROTECT. This will be beneficial as it provides insight to the processes artists must go through while creating.