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Learn about 360 deals in the music industry: Discover how these comprehensive contracts work and what they mean for artists and record labels alike

What Are 360 Deals in the Music Industry?

In business we sign deals and contracts so often, it happens in the music business too. Signing record label contracts and collaboration deals is so common for musicians either solo or in bands. In the complex world of music contracts, a term echoes through recording studios, concert halls, and streaming platforms, the 360 deal. But what exactly is it? What Are 360 Deals? And why does it matter? In this blog, we’ll dissect the concept, explore its impact on artists, and delve into the pros and cons of this multifaceted arrangement.

What Are 360 Deals? The 360 Deal Unveiled

What Are 360 Deals? The 360 Deal Unveiled
Infographic unveiling the details of 360 deals in the music industry

What Are 360 Deals? What is the truth behind these deals? Let’s find out.

  • The 360 Deal

A 360 deal which is in other words, also known as a multiple rights deal, is a comprehensive contract between an artist and a music company. Unlike traditional recording contracts, which focus solely on music sales, a 360 deal extends its reach to various revenue streams.

  • The Artist-Label Partnership

The agreement on the 360 deals is pretty much simple to understand. In a 360 deal, the music company provides financial support and resources to the artist. In return, the artist agrees to share a percentage of revenue from multiple sources. It is give and take and a win-win situation for both artists and the record label they sign up with.

  • The Revenue Streams Covered

How does the 360 deal cover an artist’s finances? To understand it, let’s break down some points in order to get a clearer view;

  • Music Sales

The deals are signed with the record labels and they have to take care of the core area, revenue from the album, and single sales. They will be working on the promotion of the albums, singles, Eps, and mini albums. Digital downloads, physical CDs, and vinyl contribute to this stream also falls on the dealers’ part.

As mentioned earlier, the deal gives support to the artists by giving them financial support. Promotion of the music the artist makes falls here too. Concerts, tours, and festivals generate income. Ticket sales, merchandise, and sponsorships fall under this category. According to the deal, the decided share will later be provided to the label by the artist.

  • Merchandising

Merchandising is the finest way to generate income. Fans love to use the products of their favorite artist. Merchandise of T-shirts, posters, and mugs stays at the top for its popularity. A 360 deal includes a share of these sales.

  • Endorsement Deals

Artists become brand ambassadors. Whether it’s a sneaker line or a soft drink, endorsement deals add to the revenue pie. It makes the artist have bigger deals in the future, helping both the artist and the record label they signed up with.

  • Songwriting Royalties

Beyond performing, artists earn royalties from their compositions. Radio play, streaming, and sync licensing contribute to the overall money the artist makes throughout the promotion.

  • Digital Streaming

Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and other streaming platforms pay artists per stream. A 360 deal ensures a slice of this pie as well. Even though the streaming does not give the artist a bucket of bucks the labels have written in the contracts.

Pros and Cons of 360 Deals

Infographic listing the pros and cons of 360 deals in the music industry
Infographic listing the pros and cons of 360 deals in the music industry

What Are 360 Deals? And what are their possible advantages and disadvantages? Before signing into any 360 deal, the artists need to understand every bit of it so that they won’t regret it later. 



  • Loss of Control: Artists surrender some independence.
  • Long-Term Commitment: 360 deals often span several years.
  • Revenue Sharing: Artists sacrifice a portion of their earnings.

Case Study: Robbie Williams and EMI

Case Study: Robbie Williams and EMI - Explore how Robbie Williams' 360 deal with EMI shaped his career, offering a detailed look at the benefits and challenges of this comprehensive music industry contract.
Case Study: Robbie Williams and EMI – Explore how Robbie Williams’ 360 deal with EMI shaped his career, offering a detailed look at the benefits and challenges of this comprehensive music industry contract.


While finishing off this topic, we’re hoping that the answer to your question “What Are 360 Deals?” is answered well. The 360 agreement is a strategic partnership rather than a Faustian contract. Artists balance the advantages above the disadvantages. These contracts change along with the music industry. Remember that the business behind the music is just as important as the notes when it comes to creating enchantment, whether you’re an aspiring musician or just an interested listener.


  • Jass Bianchi

    Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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Jass Bianchi

Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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