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Best Music Industry Books for Aspiring Musicians

As an ambitious musician, who is willing to rule the music industry, and who is glad to be a part of the music industry, your journey involves more than just creating music and lyrics for your songs. Understanding the details of the music industry is essential for navigating this complex universe of music. Fortunately, there are several insightful books that provide valuable guidance, inspiration, and practical advice. Hearing of books, are you worried that you have to go to your school life again? Don’t worry, here are some top music industry books to enrich your knowledge of the music world and hence empower your career.

1. “How to Make It in the New Music Business” by Ari Herstand

How to Make It in the New Music Business” by Ari Herstand
A practical guide offering insights on leveraging social media, touring, and self-promotion to build a successful music career in the modern industry.

Ari Herstand’s book is a modern-day bible for musicians. It covers everything any artist needs to know about the music industry; from DIY strategies to streaming platforms, touring, and marketing this book has all the questions addressed comprehensively. If you are an independent artist or signed to a label, you don’t have to worry because this book gives you a peek into solving such issues and offers valuable insights. Ari Herstand’s book was published in 2016 and it ranks on top of the music industry books.   The writer explains everything from starch and from his own experiences as an independent musician to provide practical advice on building a sustainable music career. The book delves into:

  • DIY Strategies: Learn how to take control of your career by managing your own releases, bookings, and promotions without relying on traditional industry gatekeepers.
  • Streaming Platforms: Understand the intricacies of platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube, and discover how to maximize your presence and revenue on these services.
  • Touring: Get tips on booking, promoting, and executing successful tours, including advice on building a fan base in new markets and managing tour finances.
  • Marketing: Explore effective marketing techniques tailored to musicians, from social media strategies to email marketing, and learn how to create compelling content that resonates with your audience.
  • Financial Management: Gain insights into budgeting, managing income streams, and understanding the financial aspects of a music career, ensuring you can sustain and grow your career over time.
  • Networking: Discover the importance of building relationships within the industry, from other musicians to industry professionals, and learn strategies for effective networking.
  • Career Longevity: Herstand offers advice on maintaining a long-term career in the ever-changing music industry, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and continuous learning.

With real-world examples and practical exercises, this book not only prepares you with the tools you need to succeed but also inspires you to take charge of your music career with confidence and creativity.

2. “All You Need to Know About the Music Business” by Donald S. Passman

“All You Need to Know About the Music Business” by Donald S. Passman
An essential guide that covers everything from contracts to marketing, providing invaluable knowledge for navigating the music industry.

Music industry books are super underrated because the authors of these books are not very famous and are not given the deserved credit. The second book that is extremely helpful for artists is “All You Need to Know About the Music Business” by Donald S. Passman. The book was published in 1991 and it never lost its charm for the musicians who are willing to learn new things daily. Key areas of focus include:

  • Record Deals: Understand the various types of record deals, from traditional contracts to modern 360 deals, and learn how to negotiate terms that protect your interests and maximize your earnings.
  • Publishing: Gain insight into the world of music publishing, including the differences between publishing deals and songwriter agreements, as well as the intricacies of mechanical and performance royalties.
  • Copyrights: Learn the importance of copyright protection, how to secure your rights, and navigate the legal landscape to safeguard your creative works.
  • Touring: Explore the logistics of touring, from booking agents and promoters to the financial aspects of touring, and discover strategies for maximizing tour profits.
  • Merchandising: Delve into the business of merchandise, including how to create, market, and sell your products effectively to enhance your brand and generate additional revenue streams.
  • Digital Distribution: Understand the role of digital distributors and aggregators, and learn how to effectively distribute your music on streaming platforms and digital stores.
  • Music Licensing: Get familiar with the process of licensing your music for films, TV shows, commercials, and video games, and learn how to negotiate fair deals.
  • Royalty Collection: Discover how to collect all the royalties you are entitled to, including performance, mechanical, and digital royalties, and understand the role of performing rights organizations (PROs).
  • Contracts and Agreements: Navigate the legal aspects of the music business with confidence, with insights on key contractual terms, common pitfalls, and negotiation tactics.
  • Industry Trends: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies shaping the music industry, from blockchain and NFTs to the impact of social media and new marketing strategies.

3. “Music Marketing for the DIY Musician” by Bobby Borg

Music Marketing for the DIY Musician
Best Music Industry Books for Aspiring Musicians: ‘Music Marketing for the DIY Musician’ by Bobby Borg – A must-read guide that provides independent musicians with effective marketing strategies to promote and distribute their music successfully.

The 3rd in music industry books, is the book by Bobby Borg, which focuses on useful marketing strategies designed for independent musicians. After reading this book, the reader will be able to develop their brand how to effectively interact with their fans, and how they can do better in music overall.
Bobby Borg’s book “Music Marketing for the DIY Musician” is designed to assist independent musicians in their music careers, so they don’t feel alone in this overwhelming industry. In this book, the writer tells about promoting and selling the music artists make, effectively. With a strong emphasis on a do-it-yourself approach, the book provides useful ideas for creating a marketing plan and identifying target customers. 

Borg covers all the important subjects, including networking, branding, digital marketing, social media, and real-world examples from successful independent musicians. Borg’s wealth of industry knowledge is evident in his understanding of the significance of building a personal brand, preserving connections with other professionals, and investigating different revenue streams including products and live engagements. The book is a priceless tool for independent musicians, music students, and up-and-coming artists looking to improve their marketing strategies and establish long-lasting careers because of his insightful advice and practical experience.


Remember that knowledge from music industry books is your greatest asset. These books offer a view of what you need to do in the future being an artist. These books provide real-life examples for young musicians. Dive into these resources and elevate your music journey proudly.


  • Jass Bianchi

    Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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Jass Bianchi

Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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