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How Can I Start a Music Career? Tips for Aspiring Artists: Get practical advice and essential tips for launching your music career and achieving success in the industry

How Can I Start a Music Career? Tips for Aspiring Artists

There is no doubt in the fact that we all love music and it is one of the best things to ever exist. A lot of motivation comes into our lives from the inspiration we take from our likings. As a person who likes music, it is normal to develop the feelings of pursuing music as a career. But it is difficult to learn how to do that. For all the new artists out there, this blog will be your guide to “How can I start a music career?” We are going to look into some tips to start your music career. Let’s go;

How Can I Start a Music Career?

To learn “how can I start a music career” you need to keep in mind the following things;

  1. Define Your Goals and Define Success

Define Your Goals and Define Success: Learn the importance of setting clear, achievable goals and having a personal definition of success to guide your music career.
Define Your Goals and Define Success: Learn the importance of setting clear, achievable goals and having a personal definition of success to guide your music career.
  • Set Clear Goals: When you are starting something, never forget the vision you have for your bright future. Understand where you want to be in the short term and long term. Whether it’s releasing a track, playing live gigs, or monetizing your music, define measurable objectives. Be true to yourself and stay realistic rather than creating unrealistic goals.
  • Track Your Progress: Regularly track your achievements. Where were you last week and where do you stand now? How many things have changed? How many more streams have you gained etc. it will keep you on track with what are you doing and what else you need to do. Metrics like sales, playlist reach, and unique listeners on streaming platforms can guide you well.
  1. Build Your Brand

Build Your Brand: Develop Your Identity and Engage with Fans - Discover the key steps to creating a strong personal brand and building a loyal fanbase in the music industry.
Build Your Brand: Develop Your Identity and Engage with Fans – Discover the key steps to creating a strong personal brand and building a loyal fanbase in the music industry.
  • Develop Your Identity: Develop a unique artist persona. Consider your image, style, and how you want to be perceived by your audience. If it is too casual, little changes cause no harm. Dress according to your body type and skin color to look the best of you. 
  • Engage with Fans: Prioritize quality over quantity. Focus on building a loyal fan base that relates to your music. Be active on social media as much as possible. Interact with your fans and create a special bond with them.
  1. Create and Promote Your Music

Create and Promote Your Music: Improve Your Skills, Produce High-Quality Recordings, and Manage Streaming Platforms - Key strategies to create and promote music effectively, enhancing your presence and impact in the music industry.
Create and Promote Your Music: Improve Your Skills, Produce High-Quality Recordings, and Manage Streaming Platforms – Key strategies to create and promote music effectively, enhancing your presence and impact in the music industry.
  • Improve Your Skills: Continuously improve your musical skills. Find your unique sound and experiment with different genres. Learn new instruments, as a musician, you must be able to play 3 or 4 instruments with ease.
  • High-Quality Recordings: Invest your time and money in professional recordings. Your music represents you, so make it count. Also, it is better to have high-quality recordings for your portfolio.
  • Control Streaming Platforms: Each stream you gain is a plus point for your music career. Use platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube to share your music. Monitor monthly listeners and playlist reach. Check the increase or decrease in the monthly or weekly listeners.
  1. Network and Collaborate

Network and Collaborate: Connect with Industry Professionals and Collaborate - Discover the value of networking and collaborating with others in the music industry to expand your opportunities and creative possibilities.
Network and Collaborate: Connect with Industry Professionals and Collaborate – Discover the value of networking and collaborating with others in the music industry to expand your opportunities and creative possibilities.
  • Connect with Industry Professionals: When artists ask “How can I start a music career” networking comes into my mind as fast as the speed of light. As more partners you have, the better it will be for you for your future success. Attend events, workshops, and conferences. Build relationships with fellow artists, producers, and managers. But one thing you need to remember is that there is a difference between being colleagues and friends, so watch out for yourself.
  • Collaborate: Collaborations introduce you to new audiences. Work with other artists, both within and outside your genre. It makes more people listen to you hence more audience to your collaborated as well as original songs.
  1. Understand the Business Side of the Music Industry

Understand the Business Side of the Music Industry: Gain insights into contracts, royalties, marketing, and more to navigate and succeed in the competitive music industry.
Understand the Business Side of the Music Industry: Gain insights into contracts, royalties, marketing, and more to navigate and succeed in the competitive music industry.
  • Learn about Contracts and Royalties: Familiarize yourself with music business basics. Understand publishing, copyright, and licensing. You need to understand the fair compensation policies and CMO (Collective Management Organization) to get the royalties and fair compensation.
  • Monetization Strategies: Explore sync licensing, merchandise sales, and sponsorships. Consider ticket sales if you focus on live performances.
  1. Start Taking Those First Steps Today

Start Taking Those First Steps Today: Begin your music career journey with persistence and a positive mindset to achieve your goals and aspirations.
Start Taking Those First Steps Today: Begin your music career journey with persistence and a positive mindset to achieve your goals and aspirations.
  • Be Persistent: if you want to become something, you have to work for it every day and every night. Commit to your music career for the long term.
  • Stay Positive: Success doesn’t come overnight you need to work hard to be the best, all in all, remember to stay positive and look on the better side of the future. Focus on what you can control. Embrace the journey and adapt to industry trends.


We wish you the very best of luck with your music career and hope that we were able to make you understand “how can I start a music career”. Remember, every artist’s path is unique. Stay true to your vision, work hard, and let your passion drive you forward. Keep growing and reach the heights!


  • Jass Bianchi

    Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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Jass Bianchi

Jass Bianchi is the CEO of Color in Sound, a music business coach, and a human rights advocate. She is also known to be a music marketer, songwriter, and award-winning rapper.

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