Musicians and artists in the music industry work day and night to produce a single piece of music. Every element of a song demands countless revisions and additions to make it sound and look perfect. After completing the making of a musical piece; a song, the next step is to provide it for your audience. But, is there a date or day to release your music? Logically speaking, it sounds absurd because we don’t know when something will be blown up on the internet. Yet, analytically speaking, based on the research carried out, we are somehow able to predict the best day to release music. Let’s get into this informative journey of music release dates and days!
Best Hours and Days to Release Music/ Tracks

Music release also brings pressure because we never know who in the world is releasing their music on the same day as yours. But let’s not worry about that for now. Right now our main focus is the best day to release your music;
Friday to Release Your Music

Friday is the end of our work days and the start of a peaceful weekend. It is said that Friday is the best day to release your music and it is the music industry’s sweetheart. But here one can raise the question why is Friday the best day to release your music? The reason for that is Friday is the end of the working week and people can simply enjoy your music throughout the weekend. It would not be wrong to say that audiences tend to listen to the same songs over and over again when they are at home or whenever they are chilling. So mark Friday as one of the best days to release your music.
Billboard Ranking

Releasing music on Friday is not good only because your audience is relatively free on the weekends but also because Billboard’s raking for the best music track starts clocking on Fridays. If you want to chart on the Billboards, it is your golden chance to do that. You just need to keep in mind that charting on Billboard is not that difficult now, with the increased technology around the world, and the more streaming apps, it is now easy to reach Billboard. The genres that are streamed less than the others like Polka and Jaz, can also chart on the Billboards. You never know, it might be the day your dreams come true!
Understand Your Audience

Understanding your fan base is equally important when you want to analyze what would be the best day to release your music. First of all, with all the advancements in technology these days, it is now possible to keep track of what days your audiences are actively engaging in your posts. There are analytical options available on Facebook and Instagram these days. These options can tell you the day your fans interacted with your posts the most. Whatever the day, consider that day to release your music. It can be that the night of Monday or the morning of Thursday is the best day for you to release your music, as I said earlier, we never know.
Plan Wisely

Be precise and strategic, it is the best way to keep all the fallouts aside when you release your track. Keep in mind that it is not possible that on a several date day or time, it is only you who is releasing music, it can be a lot of other artists around the world who can be releasing their music at the same time. We cannot change it but what we can change is to keep track of any potential distractions that might be there, for example, festivals, and releases by artists near you or artists who are working on the same genre as you, big-name releases and even the condition of the weather. A cozy and mid-sunny weather in winter means that people will be out of their houses but colder weather means they will be inside their houses and most probably, glued to their screens.
Music in the Morning

Research has proven that the best time of the day to release music is morning time, from early 6 AM to 9 AM. But why is that? Music release trafficking is way lesser in the morning times as compared to any other time of the day. What would you be doing the rest of the way? Well, promoting like a pro. Release your music and spend the rest of the day promoting it. Get people to talk about your music and blow up your speakers, you will rock it!
Best Months to Release Your Music

After all this discussion for the best day to release your music, I have a list of months that you can use to schedule your music release. The best months to release your music are;
- January,
- February,
- April,
- May,
- September,
- Early November.
These months have a magical aura for music releases.
Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Your music, your vibe, your audience, they all play a part. So, set sail, brave artist! May your tunes find their way to eager ears, and may your Spotify streams flow like a mighty river!